2011 Pune school application admission workshop Nursery, Junior, Senior, All Classes
By Madhurie Singh, September 15, 2011
Dear Parents, on popular request, you can once again avail the opportunity to meet me on a ONE-on-ONE workshop on Pune School Admission for Nursery, LKg, UKg for Pune school admissions, interview, criteria, dress code, etiquette etc.
The workshop will comprise of the following:
- Mock interview of the child
- Mock written test if applicable (Ukg only)
- Mock interview of both parents, hence both must attend
- Tips on filling the admission form (online/paper)
- Tips on answering questions
- Tips on etiquette if needed
- Ask and clarify your doubts. Kindly write and bring your questions. ( My last experience says people forget to ask all questions) 🙂
The time duration for the workshop is 1 hours.
Feel free to mail back to clarify about your doubts and to fix your timings and mode of payment. Remember earlier the better, as you get time to prepare before the actual interviews/ tests.
My sincere effort is that everyone gets through the schools they wish to see their kids going to.
Prepared Parents means lesser stress leading to deserving success for you child. :).
Thank you and God Bless you.
Madhurie Singh
To get more information kindly click here.
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Kindly write your question or complaints in the relevant school pages only, else it may not be posted.