Part 1 How microwave from cell phone towers, phones are causing cancer to your kids

By Madhurie Singh, August 27, 2012

I am not done with my research but did not want to wait to warn you all my dear parents for the sake of the tiny babies and kids in your homes.

It’s been 2-3 years since I have stopped using the microwave! Frankly my microwave machine was 10 years old and wanted to retire but the AMC with LG kept it on extended life support till I was fed up. After I got it repaired for the 3rd time in 6 months, I stopped using it. But because of the grill and convection oven, I was ok to have it around for the cakes which is a very frequent demand coming from my kids.

I have a very strong intuition which is not illogical. I pay good attention to the basic instincts always and have always benefited. So when the microwave was troubling me, my instincts warned me against using the microwave! I did not want to ignore it and tried researching the nitty gritty of using it. I found a research paper by a scientist which gave a detailed report of how it affects our bodies. But when I wanted to write about the same, the research went missing. I like to use references whenever I write articles and they better be from reliable and reputable research publishers. If it helps you then remember never to trust the articles in newspapers and blogs especially as many are paid ones and big companies have started using bloggers to promote their products, technologies and services.

So since I am still not done with my research let me at least warn you all till my article is done:

  • Switch off your mobiles if you are placing it next to your bed at night. Infact even when switched off, cell phones are not safe as mobile tower keep communicating with your cell phones. Removing the battery is best. But since we want to charge it, leave it in a far away room or bathroom for charging. Never where you or your kids sleep.
  • Switch off all electronic and electrical gadgets that emit EMR (Electro Magnetic Radiation). Keeping it on standby is equally dangerous.
  • Do not let your kids play with your mobiles. The EMR interfered with their brain cells making them hyperactive, leading to future psychological and neurological problems including depression, suicidal behaviors and criminal attitudes.
  • Turn off the Wi-Fi when not in use, especially at nights. Imagine yourself sitting in a microwave, when you switch on the Wi-Fi !
  • In case you are on rent and living near a cell phone tower, shift asap.
  • Do not let any mobile company erect any tower near your area. (The worst community decision made by societies in Mumbai who are not paying for the greed as many are cancer patients now, cases filed in Supreme Court against mobile companies. Read the references)
  • When driving in the car do not use Bluetooth. (Again sitting in a microwave with waves going bach and forth inside the car through your brain).
  • Do not let the schools of your children make their premise Wi-Fi ! And if they have done it, force them to shut it down asap.

Part 2 will contain the details of how microwave is dangerous and what must be done collectively to prevent our kids and ourselves from exposing our brains and bodies to this known deadly wave!

You would read the references below especially the youtube videos meanwhile and start making yourself aware.



Barrie Trower on microwave radiation, stealth warfare and public health



Hi Madhurie, All the Amezcua products are life-changing. I had started with using Bio Disc and chi pendant. I used to be very much prone to cold, cough and throat infection. After using bio energised water and wearing chi pendant from last 2 months my immunity levels have drastically improved. I havent got any symptoms at all. There is improvement in Kids immunity level also. Even if they fall sick they recover faster. Recently I started using e-guard and saw that even after talking over phone for long hours my phone doesnt get heated up that fast and I dont get the uncomfortable(giddiness type) feel in my head which otherwise I used to feel. My energy levels r high and life is changing in a positive way.

Hi Madhurie, All the Amezcua products are life-changing. I had started with using Bio Disc and chi pendant. I used to be very much prone to cold, cough and throat infection. After using bio energised water and wearing chi pendant from last 2 months my immunity levels have drastically improved. I havent got any symptoms at all. There is improvement in Kids immunity level also. Even if they fall sick they recover faster. Recently I started using e-guard and saw that even after talking over phone for long hours my phone doesnt get heated up that fast and I dont get the uncomfortable(giddiness type) feel in my head which otherwise I used to feel. My energy levels r high and life is changing in a positive way.

very true lija , infact iam also using it for couple of years. amazing !!

very true lija , infact iam also using it for couple of years. amazing !!

Great information Lija, will read the site and see if I can order too. But may I ask you how and how change has to noticed after these products? It will help other readers too.

Great information Lija, will read the site and see if I can order too. But may I ask you how and how change has to noticed after these products? It will help other readers too.

Hi Madhurie, The harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation was a big concern for me too.Very Good article. Now let me share a good news with you. I was looking for a solution to protect my family from the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation in house and outside as well. That's when I came across a company called Amezcua which provides such products. The Amezcua E-Guard and Chi Pendant are unique wellness product that provides protection for your body from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (e-smog) from mobile phones, computers, laptops, and televisions. Follow these links for more information. and I have started using these products and the results are amazing.

Hi Madhurie, The harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation was a big concern for me too.Very Good article. Now let me share a good news with you. I was looking for a solution to protect my family from the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation in house and outside as well. That's when I came across a company called Amezcua which provides such products. The Amezcua E-Guard and Chi Pendant are unique wellness product that provides protection for your body from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (e-smog) from mobile phones, computers, laptops, and televisions. Follow these links for more information. and I have started using these products and the results are amazing.

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