Food items best in various Omega 3, DHA, Omega 6, Protein

By Madhurie Singh, November 16, 2011

click to download this table
Food 100gm Fat g Satu

rated g



Poly mg Omega 3 mg Omega 6 mg Protein gm Vit A % daily req Vit B6 % Vit B12 % Vit C% Vit D % Vit E  % Iron
Salmon Mackerel 22.7 6.7 8 6 4970 357   83.7 31% 38% 418% 5% 227% 19%
Roasted or stewed chicken meat (no skin) 15.3 4.1 5.2 3.6 330 2930 28 3% 12% 4% 0% 0% 0%
 3 eggs whole fried 15.3 4.3 6.3 2.7 165 2342 13.6 15% 8% 23% 0% 9% 6%
Masoor Daal uncooked 1 cup 28gm 10.3g 1.2 2.7 5.6 522 5061 24 0 41% 0 0 0  21% 78%










DHA is nothing but Omega 3 which is good for brain development. But other fats are also equally needed .

The quantity shows as per one serving for adult which will be less or may be half for children.

For Non vegetarians its good to see fish, chicken, egg but for vegetarians best option is Masoor daal  the pink color unbroken daal which has good DHA amount. Also it has many other great nutritional stuff for healthy body.

The percentage in the table means x% of required daily nutrition of that particular thing.

So 78% of Iron in Masoor means you can get 78% of the required iron of one day from 1 cup of uncooked massor daal. Cooking will reduce by nutrition by one third.

So those worried about DHA go give Masoor daal to your kids.

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