Which school is best for my child, Pune?
By Madhurie Singh, March 13, 2012
I am always asked the same two questions again and again.
1. Which is the best school in Pune?
2. Which school do your kids goto?
Let me answer one by one and very simply.
Which is the best school in Pune? I wish I could answer it in one word!
Honestly you should be asking which is the best befitting school for my child?
Find out all the things you want from a school, then proritize them in a list.
Next look for schools that most fit your priorities.
You still may not be ever 100% satisfied but getting the most from the school as per your perception is the best you can do.
There are schools that are extremely great in academics but suck in any extracurricular activities.
There are schools that are extrememly great in activiities but suck in providing good academic coaching.
Then there are schools that are really great in both but unfortunately the fee they charge is way beyond the budget!
Then there are schools which are great academically, activities wise and fee but sadly they do not fit into your social class at all. Sometime too above your status and sometimes way too below. Either schools will be a big misfit for you.
When everything fits, strangely the school is really not a good fit as per your child's abilities.
That is why when I do workshops, I want to meet both parents and find out all about he family background, status, socials, financials and the child's abilities.
And coming to the second question, which school do my children goto?
🙂 Smile smile. Well like I have explained the answer one, it just fit the abilities of my kids, my status, my financial budget and most of all my mind's satisfaction.
It definitely does not mean it is the school where you must also try for admissions for your kids.