Why a school review that is too good may still not be good for you

By Madhurie Singh, April 11, 2013

Confused? Yes a school review too good may not be necessarily good for you.

There are several restaurants in the city where you live. But you have a favorite joint or a few more that you would visit whenever you are hungry. So does that in any way mean that your favorite joint is the best one? So you will write a great review about it when asked.

You have guests at home, but you will take them to a restaurant that you think is expensive, popular and may be far away from your home. When asked you will be readily willing to write a great review about it. But will you be going there more often after your guest has long gone? I doubt.

You are comfortable eating in a relaxed manner in the restaurant that is of your type. Your type restaurant means the one where you will find most customers looking, dressed or talking similar to you. Where you are not intimidated by the decor, waiters, receptionists or other customers. You want to eat good food, but in such a restaurant like the one just described, the food eats you.

So why on earth am I talking about the restaurants? Is there a connection between the school and restaurant psychology!

Yes, as a matter of fact, the psychology plays a very big role all the time.

So even when a friend of yours is praising a school and talking really high about a school, chances are that it’s a good fit for his children and his family. Should you get influenced and run after the same school?

If you share all the family background, values, educational needs like your friend’s then yes you too may be happy in such a school.

But if you feel uncomfortable and intimidated in such schools, it’s not meant for your child.

So the moral I am harping on is that do not ask your neighbors about the best suitable schools for your child, chances are that you will take a wrong decision.

So when you read a good review about a school, it does not mean it is best fit for YOU. But it definitely is the best fitting school for someone.

I am happy when you are happy :).

Liked your article on this.. Made things bit clear for my decision of school.. :)

Thank you for the article.

well whoever can own a flat in amanora township they are earning a good salary for sure. but yes anyway what is good for them not good for me for sure. but yes it amazed me when I see people's well decorated home and for kids this kind of school...

Which school is that? Also I personally believe what is not good for you may be good for someone else depending on their class, salary, background and future needs. May be these parents have broken away for the first time the tradition in their families and took the courage to choose an English medium school. All other factors they do now know or care as long as they can proudly tell their relatives that their children go to an English medium school. The next generation will take the next step and send their kids to better schools than that they went to. And the cycle goes on.

it totally depends on parents thoughts n mind set actually. Today I went to a school in amanora side. n was surprised to see what kinda of school was that (day care & preschool). people whr both husband wife are earning has been sending their kids to that school. all old guard who not at all bothered wht kids are doing n roaming around in the campus. all maids are so old that they don't even smile to the kids. no hygiene while they feed kids, maid feed with their hand. no infrastructure, no proper flooring, no fan, bathroom gallery is so dirty n smelly, location itself is not attaractive. rather any time any incident can take place. children are given a doormat to sit and one table with corners. which u get 20 inr in china market. and fees of that school is 32500 excluding school kit. After checking all that I could not believe why parents are sending their kids to that school. I have no answer, but can not think of my son to send in there for sure.

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