My Purpose Mission Vision Goal
I am Madhurie Singh founder of This site was created in 2006 and has been through several iterations along with the age of my two sons. My sons are the reason why I started writing about schools, products and parenting advices so that any parent searching the internet for reviews of preschools, schools, boards, products for children finds answers from an experienced mother.
You may watch the Tedx Talk below to get the short version of why this blog came into existence or continue reading. I am a Software Engineer with an MBA in International Business who was very ambitious and wanted to be a top class Software Consultant. When living in Sydney, Australia, my husband and I found we needed infertility treatment. So we moved back to Mumbai, India where Dr Gautam Allahbadia whose son Ranveer Allahbadia is today a popular podcaster started our treatment. Along with Dr Prashant Mangeshikar who is a famous Laparoscopy Surgeon and Gynaecologist 2 years of painful procedures, two surgeries and countless traumatic experiences could defeat infertility, endometriosis. Then with the help of these two doctors defeated the insurance company too who had rejected my medical claim. When you meet me, I may seem calm and docile but if rubbed in a wrong way, I ensure truth wins. . After the birth of my first son we were thrilled.
As my husband’s company was taken over by the parent company we were moved from Mumbai to Pune. But before I tell you about Pune saga, I have to mention that my experiences in Mumbai were fabulous. Living in Lokhandwala, TV and Movie stars were always bumping in the restaurants, gym and shops.
Pune seemed very sleepy back in 2004. Now it’s surpassed it’s own self! Things were great as I had my second son here.
Time for preschool search started a bit early to spend some time with the younger one. We found kangaroo kids a pre school in Koregoan Park Pune after we had a year’s stint with HeadStart in Kalyaninagar.
The reason why this blog came into existence!
I had dropped my son at Nehru Memorial Auditorium at Camp, Pune for a rehearsal of annual day activity by the children and teachers. When I went to pick him up, I found my son strolling at the petrol pump, alone! I was on the other side of the road and my heart sunk. I quickly took a u turn to reach the petrol pump when a truck zipped between him and my Scorpio. I felt a pain in my heart. I felt cold and white in face.
Then I heard a knock at the back door of the passenger side of the vehicle. I saw my son knocking the car door. I got down and made him sit in the car, and was about to leave, still in shock. Then I thought to check if by chance anyone was around and keeping an eye at my son from far.
So I parked the vehicle and took my son along, walking from the road till the entrance of the auditorium. No one was around. I heard some sound coming from the inside. So I walked inside the door when someone stopped my from entering the auditorium, saying that teachers were preparing a surprise item for parents.
By then my patience and tears gave up. I must have screamed as soon all teachers had come out. The class teacher was apologetic for not taking care of my son and seemed quite sad too. In the evening I received a call from the principal who was also apologetic and asked me to attend the event next day and later meet her.
Event was ok. The principal was cordial. I was told that were will have a meeting next week. I waited. After a few days, I was called to meet their Mumbai head office team. They were like sharks. Planned, prepared to destroy me. They concluded that I reacted wrongly, that I was imagining and nothing happened! Imagine a preschool with such mean motives!
I walked out and found another mother shouting at them as her son had stuffed a large white pearl in his nostril and no teacher was bothered on the event day!
I ignored and walked out, came home feeling crushed. I was unable to sleep. So around 1:20 am woke up and wrote my story to vent out my emotions on Mouthshut a review and blogging platform. At 8am started getting calls from parents around Indian cities who were asking me if they should also remove their child from kangaroo kids of their city. The CEO of Mouthshut called and thanked me as he was about to take admission in Mumbai branch.
When things quietened by afternoon I saw 100 plus comments on my post with parents saying things like parents have no way to find out how a school is unless admission is taken. That’s when I decided that I will start a platform where parents will read reviews of schools before taking admission.
Slowly the blog has evolved to more school reviews, product reviews and parenting advices, all of them honestly written by me. Moral of the story is to do your work honestly. Apologise if you have made a mistake but never challenge a mother. You can contact me via contact page as I always reply back.
How I turned into an Education Consultant?
My persistence to review as many preschools and schools, answering questions of parents on my forum late night led to one on one consultation, webinars and seminars. Meanwhile I was really unhappy with schools my sons went. Nearly each year I was changing schools. I have the experience of sending my children to all the Boards and no one can answer the question of How to select the Right Board other than me. I would wait at the entrance gate of schools and listen to parents discuss about issues their children were facing in the class, meet with teachers and students, observe the body language and personalities of school staff. Today I have become an expert in reading comments. So much so that I know if a comment is written by a parent or a teacher or a social media agency. I have become an expert in knowing if the claims on a school website is plagiarised, reworded or honestly written by school staff or a website developer. That led to my recent set of podcasts about school site reviews and school tours.
How I started reviewing Products for children and parents?
Ever since I had conceived, I started to write about my experiences with products with the hope that some one will benefit after reading my product reviews and buy or not buy but not waste money or time. I remember writing the vomit sucking vacuum cleaner by Black & Decker as my favorite product when my first son would throw up a lot. It was a hit with parents which motivated me to write about as many products. I write honestly about products I have used or experienced personally. I believe in being honest and writing reviews that really help parents. No one paid me for any of the reviews to date. I will be now open to collaborations with brands to use and write honest reviews.
How I turned into an Experienced Parenting Expert?
In 2006 I would watch the young parents and would think that one day I will make a Parenting course for parents who were very young as I was older and mature in comparison to all of them, as I married late and lost years due to infertility. Today when I look back after 19 years, it gives me immense relief to see my own sons and all the children in my family become good children in good career fields with great personalities. I have to thank the vast exposure via inter caste, inter culture, inter national, inter religion marriages and parenting styles I observed within family and friends. This along with my extensive reading, listening and attending to workshops by several child psychologists really helped me understanding the western style of parenting. In covid times I learnt the God’s language Samskritam which enabled me to read ancient texts with Bhartiya traditional parenting rules and style. I learnt how ancient Indians brought up children with 360 degree exposure thanks to joint family system, gurukul system, skill building system and giving back to the society system. The Shodash 16 samsakaras which Indian parents would follow proved like a Manual for Parenting. Along with this I started reading about the parenting styles of our deities, rishies, munies, royal families and pandits. Today with a collective wisdom of 100 plus years I am brimming to share these parenting nuggets with my readers. To learn and teach each other as Parenting would crash even an AI artificial intelligent system which is taking the globe by storm. We have a very beautiful text called Garbh Samskara which is a traditional manual for parents trying to conceive, that I have read in Samskritam and applied my scientific background to create a Modern Manual with Traditional Wisdom infused with my personal experience, loads of research, consultations with experts in the field of medicine, psychology and parenting. These nuggets are posted under Parenting courses.
Tedx Talk by Madhurie Singh
Madhurie Singh was commissioned by Coca-Cola to spread awareness about their project Support My School Mission 1000 School
Named as 101 Most Inspiring Women in Digital India 2015
Invited by Radio One FM 98.4 for a talk on Child safety
Selected by Google to Judge their Google Cloud Computing Apps 2013
- Judging the Google Apps competition 2013
Cloud Developer Challenge 2013
Invited by CNBC 18 for a show on how to save money.
Pune Mirror Quote on introduction of sex education in school curriculum, 10th Jan 2015 Mumbai
DNA newspaper article 17th Jun 2014
SSC Results: Parents, here is how you can respond and not react
DNA newspaper quotes on 4th Feb 2014

Pune School Watch – DNA Interview Madhurie Singh – Date 11th October 2009
Madhurie Singh pens details about the leading schools in the city and passes on whatever information any parent would like to know.
by Kavita Kane
Madhurie Singh teaches you to learn more about schools. She does so through an equally interesting medium – blogging.
“The blog,, is like a reality blog, updates on a daily basis where I pen details about the leading schools in the city and supply whatever information any parent would like to know.” says Singh. There are 1000 hits a day.
A nasty incident at a swish, upmarket kindergarten school gave her enough reasons to rethink and start a crusade of sorts on the school admissions and procedures which drive most parents up the wall with rising anxiety.
“After my personal bad experience with one of the most prestigious schools in the city, I decided to start collecting details about each and every school, their rules, admissions, pros and cons. Admission time is a nightmare for all parents and most of it arises from ignorance about the schools which would best suit their child,” argues Singh. ” It is ignorance and great expectations from schools that make most parents unhappy and confused about which school to pick and choose for their ward.”
Her first objective was that the blog should not be a website of just facts and clinical data. ” It is not a brochure where you get some ready information about when admissions start and what the fees would be – it is than that,: explains Singh.
“I gave it a certain personal accountability by detailing facts with some illustrations, incidents and by relating issues. It is a personal assurance or warning about each school. The general information about the said school is supplied. Besides, if the parent wants to know more, I reveal more. I reveal details through private communication. For instance, one prominent city school is particular about the mother being highly educated but not a working professional. Most parents are unaware of such idiosyncrasies of individual schools and I hope to enlighten them, smiles the ex-software engineer, who blogs full-time with her research of city schools.
Beside basic information, data and statistics of each school, there are small articles on varied subjects related to school-going kids, parents and teachers. ” Topics which often children are either shy or wary to talk about with their parents or teachers are often dealt with _ say, sex education, which movies for different age groups, what religion means to a child, interesting conversations between child-parent / child-teacher, the materialistic culture of big birthdays and expensive return gifts and similar issues. The idea is to get to know the child better and make him/her a better person.
Having covered 10 leading schools till now, Singh plans to expand the campus horizons – all for the benefit of anxious parents. ” I have covered only English medium schools – mostly Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and International Baccalaureate (IB) schools as I am mostly catering to out-of-town and expatriate parents, says Singh.
“Since they have just settled in a new city, they are totally clueless about the schools and education centres here. Often, the reason they have settled in Pune is because of their child’s education. I think parents have the right to know all about the school they wish their child to be in,” reasons Singh.
“But for that they need to do their homework and a thorough check. I am only assisting them in this endeavour.
Time of India Article about SuperIndiankids Multiple Intelligence Assessment Activity Center
Self-defence the best practice – The Maharashtra Herald, Saturday, March 2008
By Aaditi Jathar [email protected]
KALYANINAGAR: Do you know that you can use your legs, arms, elbows, fingers and head for around 20 moves for self-defence? Madhurie Singh, has made a list of such techniques and conducts free one-hour training programme for women of various age groups.
This training, she says, is meant for a person who does not have a background of various martial arts, but is willing to learn simple self-defence tactics. “The idea is to use these techniques to hurt the attacker and escape from the situation, despite being unharmed. These are not meant to fight back the attacker,” she says.
Some of these moves include butt kicking, correct way of eye poking, hitting hard on Adam’s apple, using knee or feet to kick on the shin bone.
“If these moves are practiced once a week, they turn into reflex actions, during attacks,” Singh said.
For the first time, she conducted the training in Delhi in October 2007. However, it was only after the Wipro BPO employee, Jyotikumari Choudhary’s murder in Pune that Madhurie took it seriously and designed the one hour session.
Madhurie is not happy with the response to the training. “Today, I goto women and tell them I need just one hour to tell them what can be done for self-defence. I would consider it my success when the situation is reversed.”
Interview of Madhurie Singh in Intelligent Pune by Srinivas Varunjikar
SuperIndianKid Multi Intelligence Activity Assessment Center Billboard 2010
Testimonials of parents about my school consultations.